Canopic Chest of Henutmehyt

Canopic Chest and Jars of Henutmehyt

This is the painted wooden chest containing the wooden canopic jars of Henutmehyt.  When the internal organs were removed from the chest cavity during mummification  they were embalmed separately and wrapped. Until the end of the New Kingdom (about  1070 BC), the internal organs were placed in four jars, known as canopic jars.

Canopic Chest of Henutmehyt

In later  times they were returned to the chest cavity, or sometimes placed between the legs of  the mummy., though canopic jars were still provided as they were considered an  essential part of a good burial.  These examples are typical of those of the later New Kingdom. From the end of the  Eighteenth Dynasty (about 1295 BC), the lids were in the shape of the heads of  theSons of Horus, who protected the organs. Each can be identified by his head, and by  the inscription on the front of the jar.

In this case the features on the head and the  inscription is carved and filled with white pigment to make it stand out.  Canopic jars were often placed in wooden chests divided into four compartments. The  chest was usually positioned close to the mummy in the tomb. The two lids of this  example are rounded, and could be lifted off the chest easily, using the wooden knobs. 
Salah Salah
By : Salah Salah

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