Sarcophagus of Khonsu

The sarcophagus of Khonsu contained his two mummy-shaped coffins, one inside the other, and a mummy mask covering the head of the mummy. Tenons on the long side and mortises on the short sides hold the box together. It was mounted on a removable sledge runner to transport it from the place of mummification to the tomb.

The sarcophagus is painted with beautiful scenes of the afterlife. On the two long sides, the texts and scenes are taken from the Book of the Dead. The short sides are decorated with the goddesses who take care of the dead, Sereket and Neith. They were responsible for protecting the head of the deceased. At the other end are Nephthys and Isis, who were responsible for protecting the deceased at the feet.

Sarcophagus of Khonsu

The long west side is divided into two registers, or sections; the upper one with the ibis-headed Thoth twice on each side. Two of the four Sons of Horus are shown; Imsety is on the right and Duamutef is on the left. In the middle of the upper register is a scene from spell no. 17 of the Book of the Dead.

The lowest register contains 40 vertical columns of text from spell no. 1 of the Book of the Dead. The long east side is divided into two registers; the upper one shows Thoth twice on each side and two sons of Horus, Hapi and Qebehsenuef.

In the middle of the upper register there is another scene of spell no. 17 of the Book of the Dead. The lowest register contains 43 vertical columns of text from spell no. 1 of the Book of the Dead. The lid is decorated with panels showing 12 funerary deities facing each other and Khonsu with his wife Ta-maket facing Kha-bekhnet with his second wife Isis.

Salah Salah
By : Salah Salah

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